About the Journal Club

The South Australian ARA Branch runs a monthly journal club series for rheumatologists and trainees based in South Australia. In 2021, journal club can be attended in person or online by video conference. The journal club format is aimed at disseminating important knowledge in rheumatology as well as enhancing participants’ critical appraisal skills. All state ARA members are welcome to attend.


  • 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm at various meeting locations around Adelaide in addition to Zoom meeting


  • Monthly discussion of 1-2 significant or practice changing articles from the rheumatology literature (a monthly roster will indicate the disease to be featured to ensure variety)
  • One article to be presented by a rheumatology consultant and one by a rheumatology trainee
  • The discussion at the meeting will be summarised in a “one page” document and disseminated electronically after the journal club meeting as well as hosted online


  • Previous articles discussed and their associated “one page” summaries are available online where copyright allows